Marmaris Gulet Charter

Marmaris Gulet Charter


Marmaris is located in Southern Turkey. It is situated where the Mediterranean and Aegean seas meet. A seaside city full of life, Marmaris boasts 4 major world class marinas; therefore favored by yachtsmen and gulet travelers alike. You don’t need to go far to enjoy a yacht charter from Marmaris.

A Marmaris yacht charter destination can be arranged for a lovely tour of the nearby towns and villages. Pristine beaches, traditional village culture, ancient ruins and much more can be seen within the compounds of the seaside villages of Marmaris.

The city itself is a bustling harbor full of lights, life and color all throughout the year. Famous for its promenade that extends from Long beach to the Old Town, there is much to be seen and done in magnificent Marmaris. This fantastic city is a popular place of embarkation and 90km from the Dalaman International Airport. Marmaris is also a favored place to drop anchor if you have embarked from another Southern harbor in Turkey.

Guests who overnight during the private gulet tour from Marmaris can see much of the most popular areas of Marmaris in the Old Town harbor area. The waterfront is lined with seafood and steak restaurants as well as traditional Turkish restaurants that offer local cuisine. Parallel to the restaurants and harbor front is the world reknown Bar Street. After midnight, this special street is full of visitors out for a good time in the night clubs and bars. Further back towards the centrum are shops galore. The shopping district of Marmaris operates all year round. So if you wanted to spend some time before leaving on your yacht charter holiday from Marmaris, there are many shops and cafes in this area to see.



Marmaris Yacht Charter Routes

Route 1Route 2Route 3Route 4Route 5Route 6
kumlubukrhodesrhodescennet islandarap islandekincik bay
adali baysymisymirhodeskadirga baydalyan
manastir baybozburundatcasymiserce portadali bay
tersane islandbozukkaleinceburunnisirosbozukkalemanastir bay
bedri rahmi bayserce portpalamutbukugyalidirsekbukutersane island
yassica islandkiziladaknidoskosbozburunkizil island
gocek islandarap islandkisebukupserimosselimiyefethiye
gocek islandkumlubukukargili baykalymnosorhaniyegocek
goben baycennet islandpabucburnulerosemel sayin bayyassica islands
disibilmezbukumarmarisyaliciftliklipsibencik baybedri rahmi
ekincik bay bodrumpatmosaktur baydomuz island
dalyan  samosinceburunaga port
marmaris  kusadasipalamutbukukumlubuku
    bodrumcennet island
Route 7Route 8Route 9Route 10Route 11
ekincik bayserce bayekincik baykumlukbukfethiye
adali bayknidosadali baysymibutterfly valley
tersane islandbodrumtersane islandtilosyedi burunlar
manastir islandkaraadamanastir islandnisiroskekova
kizil islandorak islandkizil islandgyaliucagiz bay
fethiyekisebukufethiyekos islandolympos
oludenizcokertme baygocek islandskalymnosadrasan bay
gemiler islandtuzla bayyassica islandspserimosantalya
yassica islandseven islandsbedri rahmi bayturgut reiskemer
oludenizmersincik baydomuz islandkaraincirporto ceneviz
aga portinceburunaga portbodrumphaselis
kumlubukudatcakumlubuku baypalamutbukugokkaya (myra)
cennet islandbencik baycennet islandinceburundemre
marmarisorhaniyeserce portaktur baykas
 selimiyebozukkalebencik baykalkan
 bozburundatcaemel sayin bayxanthos
 bozukkaleaktur bayorhaniyepatara
 kadirga baybencik bayselimiyegokgemiler bay
 kumlubukuorhaniyediresekbukuekincik bay
 cennet islandselimiyebozburuncennet island
  bozburunserce port 
  arap islandarap island 
  kadirga baykadirga bay 
  yildiz islandmarmaris 

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